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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Trump: I Got Elected to Build a Wall

Trump: I Got Elected to Build a Wall
Image result for trump i got elected to build a wall

On Tuesday President Trump Reacted to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) deciding to pull out of a meeting with President Trump and the Republican leadership.  Trump was discussing a potential government shutdown.  He said if there is a government shutdown, he would absolutely blame the Democrats for it.  He stated the reasons for it such as the Democrats want to rise taxes, they want illegals pouring into our country which would result in higher crimes rates.  He also stated he wants strong funding for the military.  Trump was making a point about the border wall stating the Democrats don't desire one.  Trump pointed out that he was partially elected to build a border wall.  That is a true statement.  But I want to make a point to President Trump that the American people didn't elect you to appoint Kristjen Nielsen to become the next head of the Department of Homeland Security.  She is pro-DACA and pro open borders.  She doesn't believe we need a border wall.  The American people didn't elect you to elect a pro-amnesty person in positions of government.  If you're serious about building a border wall, then you need to appoint someone else to that position that is pro-border wall.  You can't appoint people whose philosophy is in contradiction to what you campaigned for.  It makes me wonder if you're serious about building a border wall or any of the agenda you ran on last year.  Click on the above link to read the full story.

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