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Monday, May 30, 2011

The Need for a Second American Revolution (Part 1)

(Psalms 11:3) "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"

(Proverbs 14:34) "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." 

Happy Memorial Day to everyone.  I want to wish all the blog readers a very Happy Memorial Day.  Today many people will be out traveling, visiting family, and even having backyard barbecues.  In the midst of all the activity that's taking place today, let's remember the real purpose behind Memorial Day which is to remember all of the fallen soldiers who fought and bled for this country throughout the nearly 235 years of American history.  We owe a debt of gratitude to all those that willingly risked their lives in the field of battle so America can enjoy the freedoms she does today.  Our freedom is blood-bought.  It's very easy to forget that even though our soldiers bought our freedom on the battlefield, soldiers have had to periodically fight on the battlefield years later to maintain our freedom, even during the 1930's and 1940's when our world was in a battle to fight off Hitler's onslaught of Nazism.  Our soldiers fought valiantly to turn back the Hitler regime and a few months later, the Japanese regime.  We always must remain vigilant.  God's been good to us. 

I can recall nearly 20 years ago reading a book authored by John Whitehead entitled, "The Second American Revolution."  Whitehead, the founder and director of the Rutherford Institute, wrote this book in 1982.  He speaks about the secular assault on the public school system, the courts, and in the halls of government.  He encourages Christians to stand up and speak against the humanist onslaught in our society.  I remember reading that book and it helped me to see what the agenda of the humanists are.  Our nation is in a spiritual battle.  The Devil is fighting on every hand.  Since the Engel vs. Vitale Supreme Court decision in June 1962, our nation has been on a spiritual decline.  Look at the condition of the public school system since the Court stepped in and ruled against prayer and Bible reading in the classrooms.  Our educational system has been dumbed down.  There are all types of violence in the public school system.  Students bring guns and knives to school.  Teenage pregancy has skyrocked in the last 30+ years.  Student achievement has declined in the public schools.  There has been a dramatic increase in crime in our society.  Illegal immigration has made border states such as California, Arizona, and Texas war zones near the border.  Drug trafficking is common at the border states.  Our elected elite refuse to take a firm stand against illegal immigration. 

America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.  Our Puritan forefathers came to America seeking a country where they could worship the Lord as they chose without state interference.  During the colonial days of America, she experience some great revivals such as the First and Second Great Awakenings and God moved in a mighty way.  The culture of America was changed as a result of the awakenings.  America was built on preaching.  That provided the theological underpinnings for America.  America was built on a solid foundation prior to the War for Independence.  The War for Independece in 1776 was not a revolution in the sense that France experienced.  The French Revolution was a bloodbath.  America's revolution was more of a counterrevolution which was against the government of Great Britain.  It was not a revolution against the founding principles of this nation.  The colonists were not at war with the principles that built their colonies.  They were at war with King George III.  They were at war against a country that tried to rule the colonies overseas without any sort of representation, such as the different taxes the British Parliament imposed upon the American colonists.  The colonists wanted freedom of self-government.  They desired the freedom to make their own laws and worship God as they chose.  That's what the War for Independence was about. 

When I speak of the need for a second American revolution, what am I speaking of?  I'm not speaking of Americans taking up arms and overthrowing the American government.  I'm not even speaking of political reform necessarily.  As much as I agree Washington D.C. needs a good house cleaning, I'm not sure cleaning house in Washington is going to solve the problem.  To be candid with you, I'm not certain it's even possible to reform Washington anymore.  Psalms 11:3 points out that if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?  I believe it's almost if not impossible to reform Washington.  As much as I'm a believer in throwing out corrupt incumbents, that's not going to turn America around.  I'm not trying to minimize the impact of an overreaching government.  I'm not underestimating the damage that's been inflicted by our elected elite in Washington.  The thing we need to undestand concerning our elected representatives along with our president is they are not acting alone.  They are just fulfilling the agenda of the puppet masters which I believe include the Federal Reserve, the CFR, and those elites that are setting the agenda in America and throughout the world.  Our elected representatives are controlled and manipulated by the monied elite.  One of the reasons why I'm not overly excited about next year's presidential election is simply because I understand that voting President Obama out of office isn't going to turn this nation around.  He's just a puppet on the strong.  I believe he's a strong hard-core socialist, but I don't believe he sets the agenda.  I don't believe he alone made the decision to oust Osama bin Laden (if he's truly dead) or the decision to send American troops into Libya.  I believe there are other forces pulling his strings.  I don't believe Obama would be president today if he didn't meet the qualifications of the puppet masters three years ago prior to the Democratic primary.  Regardless who becomes president America's drive towards socialism will continue.  If Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, or Tim Pawlenty is elected president in 2012, I guarantee you they won't roll back any of the legislation that was passed during the 111th Congress and in Barack Obama's first two years as president.

In summarizing what I just said I'm not insinuating that Christians shouldn't engage themselves in the political process.  I most certainly believe they need to involve themselves in the political process.  I'm thankful for the emergency of the Tea Party two years ago.  I believe they played a role in the House of Representatives going Republican as well as several state legislatures across the country turning Republican.  I believe the American people need to make their voices heard by keeping in contact with their elected representatives.  However, I believe our political system is probably past the point of no return to make any kind of significant change.  We need a second American revolution but it's not going to come by reforming Washington.  The international banking interests has such a tight grip on our politicians that I don't know how to break that grip.  Mayor Amschel Rothschild made a famous quote over two years ago which says, "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws."  What a gripping quote!  What it's saying is that whomever controls the nations currency controls everything.  All the laws that are written and passed are worthless.  That's why many of our Founding Fathers were opposed to centralized banking during the early years of the American republic.  Those who control the monetary policy control the nation's destiny.  If another revolution comes, it will have to come among the American people.  I believe it's a little too late to speak about creating a revolution in Washington.  The problem is too bloated in Washington to turn our political system around.  However, there does need to be a revolution amongst the American people concerning its ideas, philosophy and its way of living.  I will continue this post at a later date. 

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