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Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Beltway Establishment Poses More of a Threat to the American People than Osama bin Laden

 Osama bin Laden

Al Qaeda  Nancy Pelosi

Harry Reid Barney Frank Lindsey Graham John McCain George Soros The Rockefeller Brothers
The symbol of the Federal Reserve SystemWall Street

This past Sunday evening May 1, 2011, news reports from Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and a host of other media outlets reported that President Obama had given the order for the Navy Seals to come to the compound where it was believed that Osama bin Liden had been hiding.  The news reported that Osama bin Laden has been killed and he was given a burial according to Islamic custom and he was buried in the sea.  There are scores of jubilant Americans across the country who are glad that justice has been served.  Former president George W. Bush made the statement following the September 11, 2001 attacks that he wanted Osama bin Laden "Dead or alive".  Consequently, the Bush administration supposedly didn't find Bin Laden and didn't bring him to justice.  Instead, it was the Obama administration that gave the green light for the Navy Seals to take him out.  Needless to say, there are conspiracy theories abounding that the corpse that was murdered wasn't Osama bin Laden.  There has been conflicting stories concerning the details of the death of Osama bin Laden.  I'm not going to take time to debate the details of Bin Laden's death.  For the sake of argument, we're going to assume that Bin Laden was legitimately killed.  If Bin Laden is truly dead, then President Obama deserves credit for granting the orders to kill Osama bin Laden.  You should give credit to whom credit is due.  I am no Obama fan.  I disagree with most of his policies.  However, if the news reports concerning the death of Bin Laden are accurate, then I'll happily give Obama credit, regardless of my thoughts toward him.  Bin Laden needed to be brought to justice because he was the mastermind of not only the 9/11 attacks, but the attacks on the U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998 and the U.S.S. Cole incident in October 2000.  Those that have conspired to harm Americans and kill as many as 3000 in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon attacks deserve justice. 

I recall years ago around 2006 then Vice-President Dick Cheney made the statement that the world is a lot safer since Sadaam Hussein is no longer in power in Iraq.  This past week many have said the world is a little safer since Osama Bin Laden was killed.  I do agree when an evil terrorist or brutal dictator is murdered,  that is one less person on earth that will inflict pain and be a thorn to mankind.  Bin Laden was evil and he was the ringleader of the terrorist network Al-Qaeda.  The reason why many Americans are jubilant over his death is simply because he was responsible for the evil terrorist acts that were unleashed upon innocent Americans nearly ten years ago.  The Bible says in Genesis that those that are guilty of shedding the blood of innocent humans should in turn have their life taken from them.  I want to emphasize that Bin Laden needed to be either captured or killed.  However, we must be realistic and recognize that Al-Qaeda is still in operation and the no. 2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahri is still at-large somewhere.  Also, we must be cognizant of the fact there are other dictators that are a threat to the stability of the world.  One example that comes to mind is the Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  If he's not thrown out soon, he's going to launch nuclear attacks against Israel.  Ahmadinejad stated years ago that he wanted to see Israel wiped off the face of the map.  He's a dangerous threat to the stability of the Middle East.

Even though there are dictators in this world that pose a threat to the stability to the Western hemisphere, we need to be aware as Americans there are other people that pose a bigger threat to the sovereignty of America than forces from without.  Years ago radio talk-show host Michael Savage wrote a book entitled, "The Enemy Within".  In his book he mentioned there are forces within America that are a cancer and are destroying America at its seams.  He's exactly on target.  As much as we need to be on guard when it comes to Al-Qaeda, or Ahmadinejad, our biggest threat as far as people are concerned doesn't stem from foreign dictators or foreign terrorist groups.  Our problems stem from those who claim to represent us in Washington, D.C.  They are career incumbent politicians--both Democrat and Republican alike.  It's the beltway establishment, as I label it, that poses a greater threat to the American people.  I'm much more concerned about the elected elite destroying America than I am Al-Qaeda or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  The reason why 9/11 took place, for example, was because of America's lax immigration policies, to name a few.  For the last several presidential administrations, our government has allowed foreigners from the Third World to cross America's shores and they have infiltrated our borders.  We have a major problem with illegal immigration in this country.  The 9/11 hijackers had overstayed their Visas in 2001 and the U.S. government didn't keep track of it.  9/11 shouldn't have happened.  We had laws and a means of enforcement to prevent the 9/11 attacks from taking place.  As a result of the attacks, Congress passed the USA Patriot Act in October 2001 which is a violation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.  The Patriot Act is unconstitutional and it gives too much power to the Executive Branch to conduct unreasonable seizures upon the average American.  Since 9/11 America has increasingly been traveling on the road to socialism.  The last two presidents have brought America closer to socialism than any of the previous presidents prior to George W. Bush.  They used the 9/11 attacks as a precursor to exert more power over the lives of the average American.  That was not something that Al-Qaeda was responsible for.  That was our own elected elite.

Who are the beltway establishment?  My definition of the beltway establishment is a combination of Congress, the president, government bureaucrats, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, George Soros, the Rockefeller family, and any other special groups or influence that manipulate and co-opt our politicians.  I've posted several pictures of a number of different sources which I believe are a threat to America.  When I say these groups of people are more of a threat to the sovereignty of American than Osama bin Laden or Al-Qaeda, I mean that wholeheartedly.  Take a look at the policies of the U.S. government within the last few years.  Some example are the TARP bailouts of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, General Motors and Chrysler, to name a few.  In March 2010, the "Affordable Healthcare Act", which is another name for Obamacare, was passed by Congress and signed by the president.  Also, consider the unprecedented levels of government spending that have taken place within the last several years.  Everything I just mentioned was the result of our politicians working hand-in-hand with globalist forces within the government to impose fascism upon America.  That wasn't the result of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  It was from those that run our government.  The reason why Americans face the threat of another terrorist attack is due to the insane policies of the federal government when it comes to the policies of illegal immigration or political correctness run amok.  Our government has been cozying up to Muslims and some don't want to reveal the truth that we are at war with Islamic terrorism.  It's the insane policies of our elected elite that are making us vulnerable to another terrorist attack.  I'm not that worried over Al-Qaeda or those from without that desire to destroy America.  It's our enemies within that concern me.  If we had statesmen who loved this country and would do everything within their power to protect America, the most evil dictator in the world couldn't stop America.  I need to briefly mention that God warns in Genesis that he will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel.  If we desire to see God's blessings remain upon this great country, it's important we elect leaders who will respect Israel's right to exist as a sovereign nation.  For the first time in our nation's history, we have a president who's not supportive of Israel and that's very scary. 

The point I'm making is if we had leaders that feared God and revered the U.S. Constitution like they should, then the most dangerous enemy of the world couldn't destroy America.  It's not the brutal dictators or the terrorist networks from without that are America's greatest problems.  It's those that serve in our government that pose the greatest threat to the American people. 

It's imperative there be term limits placed upon the incumbents in both Houses of Congress.  Given the fact the House and the Senate are co-opted and manipulated by the puppet masters, it's imperative we don't allow these incumbents to become too familiar with Washington.  The longer an incumbent serves in Washington, the more dangerous they become.  I would rather have a first-term Democrat who didn't know his way around Washington than a Republican incumbent who knows the whole system in Washington.  Politics is so corrupt and ungodly in Washington today that I believe even the best incumbent will become corrupted if they serve in Washington for too many terms.  Congress needs to be a revolving door.  We need to wake up and recognize our greatest threat in America in regards to people aren't those forces from without.  It's those within the system and framework of the federal government as well as the monied interests of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve.  They are our greatest enemies!

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