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Saturday, March 17, 2012

New Study Finds Obama's Regulations Cost $46 Billion a Year

Regulation Nation: New study finds Obama’s regs cost $46 billion a year | Washington Examiner


A new study from the Heritage Foundation finds that 10,215 new federal regulations from the Obama administration are costing consumer, businesses, and the economy overall $46 billion annually, more than five times the regulatory price of Obama's predecessor George W. Bush during his first three years in office.  Even worse was the fact that implementing those regulations would have a one-time additional cost of $11 billion.  Ironically, George W. Bush instituted more regulations, 10,674, but they were to the tune of $8.1 billion annually, according to the Heritage Report entitled, Red Tape Rising: Obama and the Regulation at the Three Year Mark

The $46 billion price tag calculated by Heritage is staggering.  It doesn't make any sense when you consider the fact the economy has been sluggish the last few years.  Many economists have dubbed the last few years as "The Great Recession."  The last thing that needs to happen to a sluggish economy is more complicated regulations piled upon the private sector.  There have been numerous regulations added within the last two presidential administrations.  It just so happens that Obama's regulations are even more costlier than the regulations issued by the Bush administraiton.  Some of the most recent bills passed during the 111th Congress is very cumbersome upon business.  Two of those bills are the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 and the Dodd-Frank bill, which is a bill to regulate the financial services economy.  What's amazing is that nobody knows all the regulations that the new healthcare law will impose once it's fully implemented in 2014.  These costly regulations are strangling businesses.  With gas prices climbing and the costs of operating a business keep on escalating, there needs to be a major downsizing of governmental regulations upon business in the private sector. 

Even though it doesn't make sense to the average business person, the agenda that's being driven by the White House is for the purposes of destroying capitalism and implementing socialism in America.  The Obama administration and the federal government in general are all about controlling the American people.  That's why the gas prices are up the roof.  The political elites are very successful in their drive towards socialism.  The Obama administration is very close to the finish line.  They know that in order to force socialism upon America, they must collapse the economy.  That's what we're seeing taking place with the help of the president, Congress and the Federal Reserve.  The independent, autonomous nation we've always known is coming to an end.  Fascism is coming to this country.  It will be in full force before too long.

To read the full story, click on the above linke from the The Examiner.

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