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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

They Want the Issue But They Have no Intention to Solve the Problem (Part 2)

(Ecclesiastes 1:9) "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

Solomon proclaims in this verse that there is no new thing under the sun.  That's the same thing with politics.  I've paid attention to politics for a number of years.  One thing that I can honestly say that there is no new thing under the sun concerning the political arena.  Many of the issues that we hear our elected elite speak about are some of the same issues they were "debating" a few decades ago.  I could list a number of political issues, but I'm only going to highlight two of them.  Those two issues are the national debt and energy independence.  Politicians have been talking about these two issues for a few decades.  It becomes somewhat comical hearing these politicians speaking about these same issues for the last few decades and nothing is resolved.  I've had to come to the conclusion that the only thing they're interested in is the issue.  They have no intentions in solving the problem.  As long as they have the issue, they have something to use against their opponent in the next election.  I gave some examples of that in the previous post written back in December.  Democrats used the Iraq War as an issue against the Republicans to regain both the House, Senate, and eventually the presidency.  Last year, the Republicans campaigned on the issues of the national deficit and Obamacare to win back control of the House of Representatives.  It's the same old story.  It never ends.  I've come to the conclusion if politicians are campaigning on the same issues for a few decades, something isn't right.  Somebody's pulling their strings.  These issues are nothing but a red herring.  I'm firmly convinced these politicians have no desire to rid America's dependence on foreign oil or rein in federal spending.

Ever since the Arab Oil Embargo on October 16, 1973, our politicians have been touting the need for America to stop importing oil from the Middle East.  Presidents such as Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter.... all the way down to President Obama have been saying America needs to be energy independent.  President Jimmy Carter created another executive cabinet entitled the Department of Energy in 1977.  What was the benefit of that?  America is still just as dependent on oil from the Middle East today as America was in the 1970's.  Is that an accident?  No.  I believe it was planned for the U.S. to import oil from the Middle East.  The powers-that-be don't have any desire for us to become energy independent.  Our politicians are lying to us.  I can't authenticate what Baptist preacher Lindsey Williams said in his book, "The Energy Non-Crisis".  However, what he says does sound plausible.  He claims that former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger made a deal with the Arab world that America's dollars would be denominated and that we would import oil from the Middle East in exchange for our debt.  I'm more inclined to believe what Williams says than our elected elite in Washington.  When our politicians "debate" the same issue for decades, something doesn't add up.  They're pulling the wool over our heads.  They could've solved this issue back in the 1970's by exploring other sources of energy and not be as reliant upon oil.  However, that's not the goal of the new world order crowd. 

Another issue that I've heard in the news since the mid 1980's was the issue of the national deficit.  Under the presidency of Ronald Reagan, the national debt climbed to greater heights than any administration before his.  Around 1984 or 1985 the deficit reached over 1 trillion dollars.  I believe the deficit climbed past two trillion before Reagan left office.  I can recall hearing the news about the spiraling deficit during the Reagan administration.  It was in December 1985 that Congress passed the balanced budget amendment called the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act.  Even thought it passed both Houses and was signed by President Reagan, the politicians ignored the law they passed and still kept running up the debt.  Was Reagan to blame for the debt?  He deserves some blame.  I don't assign him all the blame because the House was Democratic all the way through his presidency.  However, there was some wasteful spending in the defense budget.  Reagan's most important concern was national defense, and rightly so given the Cold War we were fighting with the Soviets.  Consequently, the spiraling debt was under his watch which wasn't good. 

Even when Reagan left office in 1989, federal spending still grew.  It grew under George H.W. Bush, and under Bill Clinton to a point.  The rate of federal spending slowed under President Clinton due to a Republican Congress that was elected in 1994.  Then when George W. Bush was elected president, federal spending grew to unprecendented heights again.  The excuse behind it was the war on terror that was waged following 9/11.  The truth of the matter is there was billions of dollars wasted that wasn't spent on defense.  Bush spent far more than LBJ ever spent as president.  Bush proved he could be a big spender.  He wanted to prove he was a "compassionate conservative."  What was tragic concerning all the spending taking place in Bush's administration was the fact that the Republicans controlled both the House and Senate during his presidency.  The Republicans in Congress forgot what it meant to Republican.  They spent money like they were Democrats. 

In 2008, President Obama was elected president and his administration has spent more money in the last two years than any president before him.  It keeps getting worse.  In 2010, American voters voted out the Democrats in the House and the House went Republican once again.  So far, the Republicans haven't shown signs they are serious about reining in federal spending.  They're caving in and allowing the debt ceiling to be raised once again for another short period of time.  They're also allowing the Democrats to appropriate money for Obamacare as well.  House Speaker John Boehner said late last year that they would defund Obamacare.  I don't believe him for a second.  The Republican House isn't going to defund Obamacare or rein in spending.  It's all a farce.

Neither party is serious about solving problems.  Both political parties are working together to destroy this country.  They both campaign on issues that will help them get elected or regain power in Congress.  When it comes to solving problems, they could care less.  They just want the issue.  They're part of the process in the destruction of America.  I hope voters will vote these incumbents out in 2012. 

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