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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Maintaining a Proper Balance Between Biblical Doctrine and Love

 II Timothy 3:16 "For all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."  

In many of today's contemporary churches in America, there seems to be a dichotomy where there are some that properly emphasize the importance of Biblical sound doctrine, but are lacking when it comes to love for the brethren in that local church or for the world that's lost and on their way to hell.  On the other hand, you have some of those religious institutions that label themselves as a church but their primary emphasis is on "love."  They may say they don't judge but they love people.  They say come as you are.  They don't want to emphasize Bible doctrine because doctrines divide.  Neither mindset is right in and of itself.  Yes, it's very important to preach and practice sound doctrine.  It's very imperative to be very Biblically correct.  However, what good will it do if you're doctrinally sound but lacking charity.  (I Corinthians 13:1).  The church isn't gong to travel very far in carrying out the Great Commission if we don't possess love for the sinner.  We have to have a burden for the lost.  We're to love them to the point to where we'll pray for them and desire for them to get their sins under the blood.  Also, we have a responsible as a church to lose those that are saints within the church as well.  I John 3:14 states that we know that we have passed from death to life if we have love for the brethren.  A church is a corporate body comprised of born again believers.  The brethren within the church need each other and need fellowship one with another to grow and to strengthen in their faith and walk with God.  You can't just view those that are in that church as just another number and another face.  That's the problem some of our more fundamental churches are lacking when it comes to the church loving one another and the church loving those that are without Christ.

When you read the Bible from cover to cover, you're reading a set of books in both the Old and New Testament within one book which is the Bible, God's Holy Word.  I will say when it comes to the English translation of the Bible, I believe God's preserved word is in the King James 1611.  It came from the original texts receipts.  None of the other modern-day English translations stem from the texts receptus.  Nevertheless, when one reads the Bible, you will see it is full of doctrine, or the teachings of the Bible.  It's a teaching about the creation of man, the fall of man, God's plan for redemption for mankind,  God's dealings with Israel and the nations in the Old Testament, etc.  In the New Testament you read the four gospels about the life of Jesus as he walked upon this earth.  You read about the death, burial, and the resurrection of Christ.  You read about the early church in the book of Acts, you read the different epistles of Paul regarding the church and how Christians ought to behave and conduct themselves.  There are also the pastoral epistles that give instruction concerning those that go into the ministry.  Then there's the book of Revelation which speaking about eschatology, or the end times.  As I just mentioned, the Bible is full of doctrine and it's very important every child of God knows the Word of God and what God expects out of every child of God.  Emphasizing doctrine is an absolute must.  You can't have a Biblical New Testament church without doctrine.  How can one know how to live the Christian life if they don't know what the Bible says.  God has a will, a purpose for everybody.  The only way we can know what God's will for our lives is to read the Bible and study His Word.  There's no other way that can be accomplished.  It has to be balanced with a true genuine love not only for one another in the church but for those in the world as God has given the church the task to carry out the Great Commission (Mark 16:15).  

I am aware of the passage of scripture that says in I Corinthians 8:1 that "knowledge puffeth up but that charity edifieth."  That is correct.  But that doesn't mean knowledge is important.  We just need to recognize as Christians that God gives us a brain to read and study the Word.  We are to use our minds to learn the Word of God.  However, we also must remember to give praise and glory to anything that's good about us.  All the talents we possess we must give glory and praise to God for them.  We have them because God endowed us with talents.  Therefore, anything good about us is from the Lord.  the Bible says that every good and perfect gift cometh from above (James 1:17).  We need to be cautious that we don't interpret I Corinthians 8:1 as saying that knowledge isn't very important.  There is also such as thing as false doctrine or false teachings.  We have plenty of those today in many mainline denominations.  When you read the New Testament you read about the early church and those that promoted false doctrine.  Some had added circumcision to salvation, for example.  There are some that teach in some of today's church the erroneous doctrine that you have to be baptized in water in order to be saved.  Teaching any other salvation other than salvation by grace through faith is a damnable heresy.  False doctrine will guide you down the wrong path and hinder your walk with God.  Correct, Biblical doctrine is very important.  It can be life and death.  Some Christians struggle today because of believing doctrines that are opposed to the Bible.  You have to know what the Bible says or you're going to go astray.

In summary, there has to be a balance of love and doctrines in our churches today.  Our churches are not going to possess the power they need if both are not in order.  I believe churches that are spirit-filled will have the love of God dwelling in them.  God is love.  He loves us so much that he gave us His Holy Word so we can know Him and how to live for Him.  The fact God gave us His word says how much he loves us.  We can't say we love with a Biblical love if we don't practice correct doctrine.  

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