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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Dr. Dobson Calls America to National Day of Prayer

Dr. Dobson Calls America to National Day of Prayer Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson, the former host of the program "Focus on the Family" is calling America to a national day of prayer which is tomorrow May 6, 2021.  "In 1952, the Congress passed a law which directed the president to set aside one day each year as a national day of prayer.  President Truman signed the bill into the law and thereafter issued a proclamation urging that 'all of us, in our churches, in our homes, and in our hearts, may beseech God to grant us wisdom to know the course which we should follow, and strength and patience to pursue that course steadfastly," according to Dobson.

Tomorrow Christians will join the U.S. together to call upon God for the sake of our country during the 70th annual National Day of Prayer.  Dr. Dobson, who is the founder and president of the of the Dr. James Dobson family institute stated he couldn't recall a time in recent history when the United States was in more desperate needs in God's intervention on behalf of our nation.  

Dobson's wife Shirley served on the National Day of Prayer Task Force for a quarter of a century.  Dobson was stating that it seems that the foundations of our country are crumbling, and our culture is embracing lawlessness and depravity.  Dobson was stating that one unmistakeable fact was that light always overcomes darkness.  He stated he believes the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will prevail and we have placed hope and trust in him to bring healing to our land.

If America ever needs prayer, it's now!  I pray that God will have mercy on our nation and not judgment.  That's what appears has been happening in recent events the past year.  Let's pray for God's mercy upon our land.  One thing I do know and that is darkness will not prevail and one of these days the present world as we've known will end.  One of these days Christ will come back and Satan and evil will be defeated.  We'll live in eternal bliss.  We just have to remember God's will isn't wrapped up in this present world. God bless and may the Lord heal our land.

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