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Monday, August 12, 2013

Does White House Want to Say Who Lives Where in America?


It's becoming increasingly apparent that our freedoms that we enjoy as Americans are rapidly slipping away.  We've been losing our freedoms at a rapid pace since the election of President Barack Obama.  To be candid with you, we started losing our freedoms at an accelerating pace after Congress passed the Patriot Act of 2001.  Even though George W. Bush at the time was president, we as Americans were losing many of our freedoms due to the "war on terror" that was taking place due to the September 11th terrorist attacks a month earlier.  With President Obama, his administration is dictating to Americans that they must purchase health insurance and if they don't, there will be a fine on them.  That's the result of the passage of Obamacare on March 23, 2010.  Once the key provisions of Obamacare are implented around the year 2015, then we'll see government dictating the choices we as Americans have concerning the medical care we receive. 

Shaun Donovan, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, wants the feds to track diversity in America's neighborhoods and then it wants to push policies on those neighborhoods if they are practicing racial discrimination.  To me that's communism for the federal government to stick their nose into America's neighborhoods to determine if there's discrimination involved based on the racial composition on the neighborhood.  We as Americans have the right of mobility.  We should choose where we want to live based on what's best for our own families.  That's not the place for the federal government to decide. 

To read the article, click on the link above.

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