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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Boehner: House Will Repeal All of Obamacare If Court Doesn’t

Boehner: House Will Repeal All of Obamacare If Court Doesn’t

John Boehner Cries Nasa

House Speaker John Boehner told reporters in Washington today that the Republican-led chamber will move to repeal Obamacare if the U.S. Supreme Court doesn't overturn the law on the books since March 2010.  Boehner didn't say when the House would act but that it would take a step-by-step approach to rewrite the healthcare law to reduce costs and to ensure Americans can make their own choices concerning which doctor they desire to choose.  Boehner nor any of the Republicans didn't offer any specifics.  The Supreme Court is expected to make a ruling on Obamacare by the end of this month.

All this talk by (sob-sob) John Boehner on the House repealing Obamacare is bogus.  He knows very well the House can't repeal Obamacare.  It takes both the House and Senate to vote to repeal Obamacare.  The problem is the Senate is in Democratic hands and you know they won't vote to repeal it.  You know President Obama will veto the bill.  It would take a 2/3's majority by both Houses to override the president's veto.  That won't happen.  That's an impossibility with the 112th Congress.  Instead of talking about "repealing" Obamacare, they should be using the next weapon in their arsenal.  They should be defunding Obamacare.  (Article 1, Sec. 7, Clause 1).  The House can strip funding from any type of funding that's wasteful and unconstitutional.  If Boehner and his Republican cronies in the House wanted to strip funding from this unconstitutional bill, they would've already done so last year.  Instead they put on a dog-and-pony show giving the pretense that they are going to repeal Obamacare.  It's a farce.  The House voted to repeal Obamacare last January soon after they took over the chamber.

Click on the above link from Newsmax to read the full story.

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