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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We Get the Government We Deserve (Part 3)

Capitol Hill    The White House

Back in 2010 I wrote a number of posts centering on the theme "We get the government we deserve."  I was expounding upon the different reasons why I believe we Americans as a whole get the government we deserve.  Today I want to center your attention to the theme, The Mindset of America.  I know some people are going to say, "It doesn't make any difference who you vote for, nothing ever changes."  That's the truth.  I know it's frustrating because regardless who wins the elections, our politicians are still taking this country down the road to destruction--Democrat or Republican.  I want to make a statement here.  We need to stop looking to Washington to solve our problems.  We need to stop thinking that the Democrats or the Republicans are going to save this country.  They aren't going to do the right thing.  Both political parties are bought and co-opted by the same interest groups.  The forces of Nimrod control our elected elite.  They're the ones that control the gold, silver, and all the political events that transpire arond our world.  When I hear politicians making the same promises over and over, I have come to the point that I refuse to place my trust in any of them.  I don't care if it's Michelle Bachmann, Paul Ryan, Jim DeMint, and Rand Paul, etc.  Some of these Republicans make the right statements, but they're not utilizing the resources they have at hand to derail President Obama's agenda.  Michelle Bachmann repeatedly states that she's going to fight to repeal Obamacare.  I would like to ask Ms. Bachmann why doesn't she organize a group of House Republicans to strip off funding for Obamacare?  If she won't do that, I don't want to hear her campaign promises that she's going to repeal Obamacare.  She won't.  They want the issue, but they have no intention to solve the problem.  That's the truth.  I've heard Republicans proclaim for years they're going to rein in government spending and rid America of its dependence on foreign oil.  They never do.  They're only interested in their political careers.  They'll say whatever it takes to get re-elected.  Democrats are the same way.

I've heard the old saying that our elected elite are representative of the American people.  I sadly find it true.  Why aren't many Americans disturbed by the fraud and corruption among our elite more than they are?  Why is it that we have Congressmen and Senators with the morals of an alleycat and it doesn't bother many people?  Last year former Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) resigned after it had been discovered he had been sexting on the internet.  How many people does that bother?  How much does it bother the American people that our elected elite lie to us on a regular basis?  They make promises to us continually they have no intention of keeping.  The Republicans promised us in 2010 that they would rein in government spending and trying to stop Obamacare.  As I speak, House Republicans have made no effort to defund Obamacare and spending continually keeps climbing.  ( I wouldn't jump the gun and assume the U.S. Supreme Court is going to strike down Obamacare).  I would like to ask conservative and Christian voters how much does it bother you when they make promises to stop wasteful spending or are working to drill for more domestic oil and nothing ever seems to come to fruition?  Aren't you tired of hearing Republicans make the same promises but never do anything to stop President Obama's agenda?  I would like to ask those voters who vote Democrat don't you get tired of hearing Democrats (including President Obama) say they'll remove our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan but the troops are still in Afghanistan and on top of that are also in Libya?  Thankfully our troops are out of Iraq for the most part but that was due to an agreement that former president George W. Bush made with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri-al-Maliki in December 2008.  I can recall Democrats in 2006 complaining of high gas prices but they haven't done anything to stop high gas prices since President Obama's been in office.  Democrats have made promises as well they haven't kept.  Both political parties are pathetic.  I'm not disappointed in the Democrats because they're doing what I expect.  They're proven to be European socialists.  I'm disappointed in Republicans because their actions and their words are in variance with one another.  The Republicans try to fool the conservative voters and make them think they are going to return our government to the Constitution but they don't try to stop President Obama's agenda.  It's just business as usual.  I'm sick of it. 

We've raised a generation that today possesses this mindset that the government owes them a living.  I've listened to many people over the years and when it comes to voting for politicians. Their mind is focused upon voting for a politician that will provide for them government handouts and government benefits such as healthcare.  The mindset of today's generation has strayed far from the mindset of Americans in the eighteenth century when this country was founded.  There was a time when Americans believed in the concept of rugged individualism, which is we work for our own living.  We labor with our own hands and we enjoy the fruit of our own labors.  The American people at one time believed it was their own personal responsibility to provide for their own living.  Today we've developed this mindset it's the responsibility of the government to take care of us.  That's where the notion of the nanny state comes in.

I'll conclude with this thought on Wednesday April 11, 2012.

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