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Monday, July 5, 2010

The Preservation of Liberty

"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." Pearl S. Buck

One of the responsibilities that a free people of any given nation have is the preservation of their liberties. We can't allow ourselves to grow complacement simply because our freedom was bought in America by our forefathers 234 years ago. It's always crucial that we safeguard our liberties. I believe I've heard the quote that says the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. That statement is very true. Why? Simply because we live in a sinful world. Life is a battle. You read that in the book of Ephesians when the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 6:10-17 when the Apostle Paul states that we need to put on the whole armor of God as Christians. Paul mentions that we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but we wrestle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). There are men that are evil and they love power. They consider themselves as the ruler or like a god and they consider all the masses peasants, just plain simple people who don't know much and aren't worth much. There are dictators that classify themselves as philsopher-kings, as the ancient Greek philosopher Plato mentions about in his book, The Republic. There are evil despots that would like to do everything in their power to usurp authority over people in a country. We've always had them throughout history.

Back in the 1930's you read about the rise of German dictator Adolf Hitler and how he was on a quest to conquer the world. He seized Poland in 1939 which was the start of World War II. How did Hitler rise to power? He rose to power as the result of a financial crisis in Germany, especially the Weimar Republic. Prior to the financial collapse of Germany, there was hyperinflation. As a result of that, the country couldn't thrive economically. There arose Adolf Hitler. He was democratically elected by the people. Whenever an economy collapses and the security of the people is threatened, they will vote for someone that will offer an assurance of stability even when it's false. That day will come when the antichrist will make his appearance to the world. The antichrist will offer to the world his solutions to the worlds problems. America is being torn apart and in shambles. We have czars in the Obama administration such as Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, and Cass Sunstein that are doing everything in their power to strip away America's right to free speech, for example. It's time we Americans stand up and claim our roots. I want to devote the rest of this time explaining how we can preserve the liberty we still enjoy. We can only do so if we'll become actively involved.

The first thing we need to do as Americans is to recognize the great principles upon which the Founders built this great nation upon. One of them was freedom of speech and religious
liberty, which is found in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Our Founding forefathers fled England so they can establish the freedom to worship in this country. America was built upon Judeo Christian principles. We've become a pagan nation drastically within the last 50 years. It's time that we recognize who the God of our forefathers are. We need to repent individually as a nation of our sin and turn to God. II Chronicles 7:14 states, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." I recognize that this scripture that was penned down was during the Dispensation of the Law and I know it was speaking of Israel. However, if God's people in America will repent of their sin and turn to God, I believe God will hear us. We must turn back to the God of our forefathers. True liberty comes from God. It doesn't come from man nor the government. We will lose the liberties we have if we don't repent of our sin and turn back to God.

Another thing we must do is we must participate in the election process. What I mean by that is that we vote which is the primary, general, and even special elections. One of the problems we have when it comes to voter participation is many voters won't vote during the primary process. The only election where you have any kind of choice of candidates is the primary. If more people would vote in the primary like they should, probably more incumbents would be defeated. That's my opinion. The general election pits the nominee of the Democrat Party vs. the nominee of the Republican Party. Most of the time neither nominee is worth the ink that's printed on paper. The Republican candidate is Democrat-lite, which isn't much different than the Democratic nominee on the ballot. The choices to represent a political party is in the primary. So if you don't vote in the primary, don't complain because you don't have a choice of a candidate to vote for in the general election. Outside the 2008 presidential election, the last election where there was 50% or better turnout was the 1960 presidential election in which John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon. It's pitiful where there are countries such as Iraq in which people will face harm's way to vote and here we are in America and we don't face harm's way to vote. It's appalling.

Lastly, we need to participate in the political process in general whether it be through writing our Congressmen and Senators or participating in community forums, rallies, etc. We can participate in community service which benefits our communities in which we live. I'm thankful for the Tea Party movement that started last year. Even though it's not perfect and it doesn't have a leader to guide it, I'm thankful that at least we have a movement that's trying to make an impact on our political process. They're at least trying to make their voices heard. We need that. We need a grassroots effort that will stand for the principles of our Founders. We must stand up for what is right. I'm thankful for the choices we have on internet and the radio in which there's talk radio that will speak up or speak against issues and politicians that are corrupt. That's a process that some in government are trying to silence. Free speech is a precious commodity. We don't want to abuse it nor lose it.

I want to wish everybody a happy Independence Day even though it was yesterday. Many people will be off to celebrate this holiday today. Let's remember our Founders as we celebrate this day.

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