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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Science Czar John Holdren's Views on Abortion and Population Control

Science Czar John Holdren stated that abortion can save the planet. Holdren contended in a textbook that he co-authored that involuntary birth control measures, including forced sterilization may be necessary and morally acceptable under certain circumstances, according to World Net Daily. He even went as far to say that in times of emergency, compulsory abortion could be justified by the Constitution. Holdren co-authored a book with Paul R. and Anne Erlich entitled, Ecoscience; Population, Resources, Environment. In it he states that "compulsory control of family size is an unpalatable idea, but the alternative may be much more horrifying." The authors of that textbook advocated abortion as an acceptable form of population control and proposes that the best survival strategy for the pregnant woman is to abort her baby. Holdren is another one of President Obama's radical czars that seeks to impose his set of radical beliefs when it comes to family planning and population control.

The concept of population control is not a new phenomenon. It was even practiced during Biblical days. Pharaoh, King of Egypt ordered all the firstborn male children slaughtered in Egypt. King Herod during the time of the Roman Empire had ordered all the firstborn male two and under to be slaughtered in Bethlehem. He was trying to kill Jesus. Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany ordered all the jews to be gassed. Some six million Jews were slaughtered during his regime in Germany. There have always been dictators that have sought to manipulate the population and eliminate those that they considered a misfit and unwanted. There have been authors such as Thomas Malthus in the nineteenth century that advocated population control. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, promoted an agenda of birth control and believed blacks, Jews, and other groups should be sterilized.

There was a time in American when we honored the values of the Bible and believed man was created in God's image and that human life was sacred from birth to death. Over the years the Christian consensus that had built America started fading and our society adopted the philosophy of secular humanism which states that man is his own god. We also accepted the notion of utilitarianism which believes man's worth is based on his usefulness to society. In the humanist worldview, man is only valuable based on his usefulness to society. Once he's old and is no longer able to physically care for himself, he's no longer useful to society and he deserves the right to die. Ever since the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade of 1973, millions of innocent babies have been slaughtered in their mother's womb. With many dual-career households in America today, a child has become a nuisance to many couples. Also due to the prevalence of fornication, many young unwed mothers have opted for abortion simply because they're not in a position themselves to provide the kind of care their infants need. We've become a hedonist society where mankind is only concerned about living for pleasure.

The textbook that both Holdren and Ehrlich authored discussed compulsory methods of population control such as forced abortion and sterilization. Holdren and Ehrlich advocated milder population control measures such as placing sterilants in drinking water to control the population. I remember reading one of the late Francis Schaeffer's books, How Then Should We Live? in which Schaeffer mentioned of a professor named Kermit Frantz, head of the Gynecology Department at the University of Kansas. Frantz advocated in October 1969 to place birth control in our drinking water. That just mirrors what Holdren would like to see accomplished. Both Holdren and Ehrlich advocated compulsory birth control methods be used when there's massive famine, political unrest, ecological collapses of various kinds, large-scale crop failures due to mass famine, severe resource shortages, epidemic diseases, and wars over diminishing resources. The authors stated that overpopulation enhances the probability any one of these dilemmas could occur.

Years ago there was a book authored by a Reformed Presbyterian named Rousas J. Rushdoony. It was entitled, The Myth of Overpopulation, in which he stated there was no such phenomena as "overpopulation". He said overpopulation was due to socialist governments. I happen to concur with that statement. The problem is with the governments in many of the Third World countries. They are empowered by authoritarian elites who seek to control their people. They seek to create a society in which only a certain group of people lives. Those that don't fit that criteria should be exterminated. That was Hitler's view. He wanted a pure Aryan race in Germany. He sought to kill the Jews and those that opposed his agenda. There are world dictators with the same mentality as Hitler. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran is one such example. He hates the Jews and he believes Israel should be wiped off the face of the map.
Another problem with the theory of overpopulation is some countries such as India hold strange religious views when it comes to the consumption of certain types of food. Hinduism views the cow as sacred. Therefore the people there don't consume beef. The Muslims don't believe in consuming pork. In reverting back to the first point I made about socialist governments, they seek to control the economic factors of production in their country. They believe in a planned economy. They will dictate to the farmer what kind of crops and how much they are allowed to grow. It's not the government's place to control the factors of production when it comes to the marketplace. If the ordinary citizens of a given country have control over the market, then they will produce the kind of food they need to in order to survive. I believe the average person has enough sense on how much food needs to be grown. That's obvious when one considers the high rate of obesity in America. However, when government's in charge of the factors of production, then they'll shortchange their people. These dictators do so because they have an agenda. They desire for certain kinds and certain numbers of people to survive.

These communists that are in charge of population control don't view mankind as being created in the image of God. Holdren doesn't recognize that God has assigned value to mankind and that life is sacred. People like Holdren and Ehrlich view mankind as disposable and should be eliminated to control overpopulation. They refuse to take into account that God's in control and that God cares for man. The Lord's the only one that has the right to thin out the population. If the population was out of control, then the Lord would use whatever means was necessary to reduce the population. However, we have gods such as Holdren that want to dictate who should be born and when a person should die. How tragic! I don't deny that there's overpopulation in many of our major metropolitan areas. However, there's plenty of land in America in which people can move to and settle. In the last several years there have been scores of people leaving the major cities and moving to more of the rural areas. We need to populate some of these rural areas in America and start businesses there. We don't need to kill off people to save the planet or keep the population in check. THAT'S GOD'S DOMAIN--NOT MAN'S! The truth of the matter is people die every single day whether it be through old age, sickness, wars, pestilences, famine, and the list continues. There were large families during the Great Depression that were dirt poor, but they managed to make it. Why? God's in control. As long as there's a God in heaven, people can make it through tumultuous times. Elites such as John Holdren are a threat to this nation and we need to vote in heavy numbers in the 2010 election to vote out those politicians that voted for these communist czars such as Holdren!

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