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Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Global Response to Global Challenges

President Barack Obama addressed the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday. He said in his address to the U.N. that he has ushered in a "new era of engagement with the world." He told world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly that "cooperation is a two-way street." He said that America wasn't going to tackle the world's problems alone. President Obama was promoting globalism to solve the world's problems. Obama was mentioning his policies that were popular abroad such as a ban on torture, the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and climate change (or global warming). Obama decided last week also to scrap the long-range missile defense shield system planned to be put in place in Poland and Czechslovakia. Other world leaders that spoke there were Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Following Obama's speech Gadhafi criticized the U.N. Security Council as being dominated by powerful nations and he ripped a copy of the U.N. charter. Ahmadinejad gave a fiery speech criticizing the United States.

There was an emphasis on globalism or global governance at the U.N. Security Council. President Obama as well as the U.N. leadership don't believe in the sovereignty of nations. They believe in the sovereignty of the U.N. The United Nations has been a joke from its inception since 1945. It hasn't done anything to stop stop communism around the world or Islamic terrorism. This is all part and parcel of the eventual new world order. I predicted several years ago that the United Nations would be the World Congress whenever the antichrist was revealed and the New World Order began. We have the U.N. trying to assert itself as being preeminent over all the world's countries.

I am a firm believer in enlisting allies when it comes to tackling rogue dictatorships or the nuclear threat of Iran and North Korea if possible. I believe the more allies one can enlist the better. However, I'm not a believer that you must have countries standing with you when it comes to destroying Iran's nuclear capabilities or destroying Al-Qaeda around the world if there's no country that will stand with you. It's better to have allies, but sometimes we have to be the lone ranger out of necessity. There have been times in history when one country had to stand in the gap and confront evil around the world. The United States was the only country involved in dropping the atomic bomb in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II. It wouldn't be popular with the nations that comprise the U.N. today. Just imagine what would've happened if President Truman hadn't been willing to drop the atomic bomb. World War II would've continued on for a least another year and millions more American troops would've been killed. Sometimes a country has to be the long ranger and lead the way. I'd rather have one country leading the way than have all of civilization be destroyed by nuclear weapons. We can't afford to wait for consent from the United Nations to remove Iran's nuclear capabilities. We're talking about the survival of our world. Sometimes a country has to be willing to strike at a moment's notice. I am opposed in requiring the United States to seek approval from the rest of the world to destroy regimes and potentates that are harmful to the survival of civilization.

I had a great admiration for former President Reagan when it came to dealing with dictators and communism. Even though he made his share of mistakes on different fronts, Reagan knew how evil communism was. He was determined to stop the spread of communism even if it meant America having to go at it alone. I remember the Libya bombing of 1986. Back on April 15, 1986, Reagan ordered the bombing against Tripoli and Benghazi in Libya. Reagan had no use for Moammar Gadhafi. They were supportive of Iran during the 80's when Ayatollah Khomeini came to power. During the bombing of Libya 45 Libyan military and government personnel died during that raid. The U.S. had intercepted the telex messages from Libya's East Berlin embassy. There was a bomb that exploded in a Berline discotheque which resulted in 63 American military personnel and the death of one servicemen. This convinced the U.S. that Libya was behind that bomb. After Reagan had Libya bombed, the U.S. had no more trouble from Libya for a long time. That didn't happen by Reagan being Mr. Nice Guy or him seeking approval from the U.N. He did what he felt was necessary. The spread of evil must be stopped whether it's one nation leading the way or a whole group of nation's banding together to stop evil.

The stage is being set for a worldwide communist dictatorship. Efforts have been made for the last few decades to destroy American sovereignty. America's leadership is inept. We have a pacifist in the White House. He's working towards transforming the United States into a communist country. Today the U.S. government is trying to usurp authority over all Americans. The government's trying to pass nationalized health care which will give the government greater control over its citizens. The Left has been trying for some time to push a global warming agenda on America. Obama's setting the stage for an eventual one world government. There's been talk for some time of eradicating the dollar and in it's place establish a world currency. Also, the U.N. agreed to stop the nuclear proliferation of weapons. They're trying to make America defenseless. America's rapidly losing her sovereignty. Global governance is the theme of the new world order.

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