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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Poll: Majority of Americans Not Concerned About Sequestration

Poll: Majority of Americans Not Concerned About Sequestration | CNS News

obamaPresident Obama

A new Gallup poll states that a majority of Americans (52%) aren't concerned aren't concerned about the sequester "cuts" and at least 17% say they think they are a good thing.  That's despite the fact that President Obama made the claim that across-the-board sequester budget cuts are damaging our country.  The truth of the matter is there aren't any real cuts being made.  If anything, the cuts the President is speaking of is a decrease in the rate of spending, but they aren't real budget cuts.  The government still continues spending frivolously on pet projects for certain Representatives and Senators.  There aren't any legitimate cuts being made.  It's just lies coming out from the Obama propaganda machine. 

To read the full story, click on the above link from CNSNews.com.

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