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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Today is Father's Day. Let's take time to remember our earthly fathers today. You can't overestimate the importance of a Father. I thank God for mine. I never had a day throughout my years that I lived at home that I wondered where my next meal was coming from. He always worked diligently and made sure the bills were paid. He was always faithful to work. It was very rare for him to ever call into work. The only times that I remember him calling into work was for a funeral service or something of that nature. He never abused the system, unlike many people that work a public job today. It was a serious thing to be prompt at work and to make sure all the household needs were taken care of. You don't find that quality in many fathers today. We live in a society where many fathers don't take their God-given duties responsibly. I do recognize there are fathers that don't know Jesus and as a result can't exercise their responsibilities as the spiritual leader in that home. A dad has to experience the new birth in order to fulfill his spiritual responsibilities towards his family. However, I've known of many a father who were faithful in their responsibilities as a father from a human standpoint. They worked diligently on the job to provide for all their immediate family's need. They spent quality time with their children playing with them and involving themselves with the activities of their children. They instructed them in the best way they knew how from a human standpoint. They at least taught their children values so as to be a moral and upright citizen in this country.

America is greatly lacking strong fathers in many of our homes today. There are numerous homes being headed by a single parent today; many times the mother. There are also some situations where there are deadbeat fathers. They don't involve themselves in any way, shape, or form in their children's lives. They don't even pay child support. Then there are homes where the father does reside in that household but his presence is irrelevant to his family. In other words, he's not a leader in his home. He doesn't involve himself in his family in the way he should. No home can function properly without the strong presence and leadership role of the father. The Bible says that parents are to train their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Proverbs 1:8 says, "My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forskake not the law of thy mother." The father is to teach his children in the ways of God. He should teach them the righteousness of the Lord and to live for God. The father is to set the example in the household before his family. He should lead in family devotions. We're greatly missing that in today's society. He's to be diligent in his labors, faithful in taking his family to the House of God when services are being held, faithful in the discipline and correction of his children, faithful in paying the bills, and a counselor to his children, to name a few.

Today's homes are missing the presence of strong fatherlike figures. There's more to being a father than just bringing home a paycheck. He's to lead his family in the ways of righteousness. He's to warn his children when there's danger ahead. He's to advise his children on their future. He's somebody that his children and wife should be able to look up to. He should have a good testimony and good report before his family and his community. He can't live a life of hypocrisy and expect his children to follow him. Many children in today's society are lacking direction in their lives due to the lack of a fatherly influence. A father is to guide their children. Dad, your children are watching you and watching every move you make. What kind of example do you set before them? Are you diligent in instructing them? Do you take your family to church whenever services are being held? I do recognize there are situations where fathers can't be in church at times because their schedules require them to work during the time church is in service. That's understandable. I'm making reference when they're not working and are able to take their family to the House of God. It's a serious responsibility. I just barely scratched the surface today. There's much more I can say. I want to wish all you fathers today a Happy Father's Day!

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