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Monday, May 3, 2010

The United States Reveals the Size of its Nuclear Arsenals

(Reuters) The U.S. disclosed for the first time today the current size of its nuclear arsenal; finally revealing the once top-secret numbers in an effort to bolster non-proliferation efforts. The Pentagon said it had a total of 5113 warheads in its nuclear stockpile at the end of September 2009. This is down 84% from a peak of 31,225 in 1967. In 1967 America was embroiled in the Vietnam War in Southeast Asia. The nuclear arsenal stood at 22,217 warheads when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. The figure includes warheads that are operationally deployed, kept in active reserve, and held in inactive storage. It doesn't include several thousand warheads that are now retired and awaiting dismantlement, the Pentagon said. Ever since that time the last few administrations have worked towards reducing the number of nuclear warheads at the U.S.'s arsenal.

"The U.S. is showing that it is being increasingly transparent," a senior U.S. defense official told reporters at the Pentagon. I find that amazing. Why wasn't the U.S. government as transparent concerning the provisions of the healthcare bill that was passed by Congress? The healthcare bill that was passed will overhaul our nation's healthcare system and allow the federal government to control 1/6th of the nation's economy. The Pentagon also declined to disclose the exact number of warheads awaiting dismantlement.

If the Obama administration and Congress desire to portray an image of transparency, then they should disclose to the American people all the provisions of the healthcare bill before it was passed. Instead, there were all kinds of bribes and backroom deals forced on more moderate Democrats to pass this bill. I don't classify that as transparency. While we're at it, since there's so much dispute by some groups over whether or not President Obama is a natural-born citizen, he should take time to hold a news conference and explain to the American people one way or another what his citizenship status is. I'm not inferring he's isn't a natural-born citizen because I don't know. However, as much controversy that's been stirred over this issue it would be wise if he would address this issue to quell all doubts once and for all. He needs to take time and explain the truth so this issue can be permanently resolved. President Obama could also show some transparency about all the czars that hold government posts and the agenda they're trying to impose on the American people. Going back to the healthcare issue, Congress (both political parties) should take time to explain what interest groups would profit from this bill. There are some groups that will profit from this new healthcare law that's being passed. The average American definitely won't benefit from this healthcare bill. There are so many issues that Congress and the President need to show transparency to the American public.

Why would the Pentagon reveal the number of nuclear warheads the United States has at its disposal? It's part of this flawed belief that if we show the world that we're serious about non-proliferation efforts, the world will also likewise follow suit and eliminate many of their nuclear warheads. That's foolish thinking! That reveals a foolish idealism that our politicians espouse. We live in an evil world. We have nations rising against nation. Our leaders don't desire to recognize that we have enemies such as the Islamists for example, that would like to defeat us. There are some dictators and terrorist groups that you can't appease. It's asinine that the Pentagon would leak out the number of nuclear warheads we have at our disposal. We're just granting our enemies such as North Korea and Iran an open invitation to attack us by revealing the amount of nuclear warheads at our disposal. Any country that has any sense wouldn't reveal to the world the size of their nuclear arsenal. It's part of this hippie idealism that we're promoting peace if we make agreements to slash the size of our warheads. That's not reality. This world is evil and they will attack you if they're sense we're weak. We're asking for a nuclear attack. We're saying to the world we don't possess any kind of sense. You don't reveal such sensitive information such as the size of your nuclear arsenal or how much you're reducing it. When we do that those countries that despise us won't fear us.

When has making agreements with other countries to slash nuclear stockpiles ever worked? How is the United States going to appease the world by announcing that it's reducing it's nuclear stockpile? It won't. Under President Ronald Reagan and even under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the United States used to puruse a course called "Peace through strength." In order to bolster non-proliferation efforts around the world, the United States must remain the strongest country in this world. The world needs to see that we will be peacemakers as long as they leave us alone. If these rogue countries attempt to strike at the United States, then they will be toast. Peace through strength is the policy that the United States must employ, especially given the uncertainty our world faces from Iran and North Korea.

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