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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

America and the Judgment of God

Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou has rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee . . ." Back when Bill Clinton was president I used to hear preachers say then that the fact that America elected Bill Clinton as president is indicative that America is experiencing the judgment of God. I'm sure there's preachers that made that same statement since Barack Obama was elected president last year. I don't deny that the judgment of God is on America. However, I also believe the judgment of God was on America when George W. Bush was president. I furthermore believe that America would've still been under the judgment of God had George H.W. Bush won re-election as president in 1992, Bob Dole as president in 1996, and John McCain as president in 2008. Both parties are taking America in the same direction. The only exception is that the Democratic party is taking America down the road to socialism at jet speed. The electoral process in America is rigged anyway. Those that occupy the Oval Office are just figureheads for the internationalists.

There's no doubt that America is living in perilous times as II Timothy 3 says. Men today are lovers of themselves, are boastful, proud, unthankful, unholy etc. America is full of the world, the flesh, and the Devil. America is drunk on fornication, pornography, alcohol, drugs, lewd entertainment and the list continues. Everyday in America numerous women have abortions. The homosexual rights lobby has made great inroads when it comes to promoting their perversion. They've pushed gay marriage into several states in our country. Even some of the state courts such as Iowa struck down a voter referendum banning gay marriage. The Devil's crowd is having the time of their life right now. America has forgotten God. The secularists have been successful in removing numerous references to God in the public sphere. The 1962 and 1963 Supreme Court decisions have removed the right to public prayer and Bible reading in our public schools. The secularists have tried to tear down everything our Puritan forefathers had established.

However, the question needs to be asked, is America under the judgment of God because of the shape of the world, or because of the condition of the churches in America? Immediately following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the late Jerry Falwell was a guest on the 700 Club and he was telling Pat Robertson in response to the attacks that America was under the judgment of God due to the abortionists, the homosexual crowd, etc. Then he later apologized for that statement. I Peter 4:17 says, "For the time is come judgment must begin at the House of God; and if it first begin at us, what shall the end of them that obey not the gospel of God?" The House of God will be judged before the world's judged. It's easy to point our fingers at the world and say that America is under judgment because how wicked the world is. However, the world is living according to what is natural to them. Consequently, the church is living below it's birthright when it comes to normal Christianity.

We're living in the Laodecian church age today and you read where the Laodecian church was rich and increased with goods and didn't need anything. They didn't need God. That's how our churches are in America today. We have our programs to reach the "unchurched". We rely on all types of business methods to bring people to the House of God. We may draw a crowd, but we don't produce any new converts. Those that do come to church, they don't stick. They leave after a while. I've heard the statement made that whatever method you use to draw your crowd to church, you'll have to come up with something greater to keep them there. The Word of God will accomplish the task. You can use the Word of God to draw sinners to church and the Word of God will keep them in church if they become saved. Our churches are failing to rely on the power of the Holy Ghost to draw sinners to God.

A country isn't going to be any stronger than it's churches. If the church is complacement and weak spiritually, then the world will be exceedingly wicked. The church is to be the standardbearer to the world. When the church no longer holds a standard, then the world will decay and crumble. When it comes to preserving meat, you must use salt to preserve it or it will rot and decay. That's the same way with the church. If the church doesn't possess the power of God, then the world will crumble. The standard of truth and morality comes from the Bible. When the church fails to uphold that standard, then the world has nothing to hold onto. The church is to be salt and light to the world.

Even though America's churches are in the shape they're in today, I believe they can experience revival if they will turn to God and repent as II Chronicles 7:14 says. I don't know whether or not America will experience an awakening such as the Great Awakening where modern culture is reformed and liquor stores, casinos, and strip clubs will shut down like in the past. I heard a preacher once say it's easier to prevent the Devil from coming into your church than kicking him out. It's a lot easier to prevent wickedness from coming to America than trying to remove wickedness once it creeps into our country. However, America's problems are all due to the sad state of our churches today. The world is doing what's natural to them. It's Gods' people that are living abnormally. Our churches need revival across this country.

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