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Monday, May 27, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: What Do You Owe Your Country?

Bill O'Reilly gave an interesting talking points segment last year on July 18, 2012.  He started off playing the segment from President Obama last year during his presidential re-election campaign last year.  Obama was speaking about entrepreneurs who built businesses and achieved greatly in the businesses world.  Obama was saying that the businessman didn't "build that" when it came to the success of their business.  Obama was saying that the federal government played a role in the success of their business.  He used the example of the internet and stated that through federal research, the government created the internet.  The internet wasn't created on its own.  That was part of President Obama's election ploy to promote the role of big government in the lives of Americans.  Of course, he's mentioned numerous times that the "rich" aren't paying their fair share of taxes.  I happen to disagree with him.  The top 5% pay most of the taxes in America.  That's not right.  The tax burden shouldn't be shouldered by the wealthiest Americans.  Everyone who works a job should pay the same percentage (flat tax) regardless of income levels.  We don't owe our country that much in taxes.  What's been taking place the last several decades is nothing but outright thievery by the federal government, regardless who occupies the Oval Office.  This "class warfare" mentality I believe is immoral.  We have groups of Americans that are envious of wealthy people.  That's not right.  I do recognize there are some wealthy that have made their money illegally, but the answer to that problem is to prosecute the individual that made their money in an illegal fashion.  Punishing the job creators and achievers is very un-American.  That's not what America was founded upon.  That's pure socialism.  What's tragic is more and more Americans are buying into the president's notion that the wealthier you are, then you should pay a much higher percentage in taxes vs. those who aren't wealthy.  Everyone should pay the same percentage, in my view.  The destruction of capitalism wasn't what this nation was founded upon.

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