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Friday, January 3, 2014

I Am Sooo Sick and Tired of Politics

Ever since the Christian Worldview started on June 6, 2009, I have featured many posts dealing with the news of the day ranging from the wars in the Middle East, to Obamacare, to the presidential election of 2012 and all the way to politics in the year 2014.  For the last few years I have encouraged people to vote for conservative candidates in the elections.  I've stated numerous times that we need to vote out the RINO incumbents in Congress and that voting out the incumbent begins in the primary, which is a post that was written in March 2010.  I've encouraged voters to vote for the Tea Party candidates in the primary and general elections.  I supported 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney even though I knew he was another RINO like 2008 presidential candidate John McCain.  However, Barack Obama was an incumbent and I knew he needed to be voted out of office with the damage he was causing America.  Consequently, Barack Obama got re-elected for a second term.  I've written posts stating that America needs a second revolution.  I've encouraged people to involve themselves in the political process.  After the 2010 election where "Tea Party" candidates Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY), Alan West (R-FL) were elected, I've become increasingly perturbed over the foolishness that's taken place in politics.  I know that House Speaker John Boehner is a fraud but some of these Tea Party candidates who were elected to office for the first time in 2010 should've risen to stand up against House Speaker John Boehner and demanded his resignation as Speaker.  They should've also demanded that Obamacare be defunded, in which they should've taken the lead to defund.  Of course that never happened and it goes to show that we're wasting our time expecting the Tea Party or another conservative movement to turn our government in the right direction.  As much as I would like to see our government head back to its constitutional roots, it's not very likely.  It especially won't happen given the spiritual condition our country's it.  We can't reform our government if the American don't wake up and turn to God.  As much as I'm thankful for the recent emergence of the Tea Party in 2009, they won't be able to reform government.  Let me ask you, what has Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz (elected as Texas Senator in 2012) done to stop President Obama's unconstitutional laws and spending:?  Nothing.  They've given great talking points on cable news stations and talk radio, but when it comes to standing in the gap to stop President Obama's agenda, they're worthless. 

I want to publicly declare I'm SOOOOO SICK AND TIRED OF POLITICS.  Why am I so sick and tired of politics?  It's not because of President Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, or the Democrats in Congress in general, as much as I detest what they're doing to this country.  It's not even so much as Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, or House Speaker John Boehner.  Even though these people are RINO's they aren't the biggest problem.  The reason why I say that is because we know now what to expect out of John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and John McCain, for example.  I will admit Boehner lied through his teeth during the 2010 midterm election when he unveiled the GOP's "Pledge to America" and when he promised following his election that he would defund Obamacare or slow it down.  He also stated the the 112th Congress were going to do the business of the people and they were going to rein in government spending.  That was a nice platform but that was an outright lie by Boehner.  Instead, Boehner has rolled over and went along with Obama's agenda.  Boehner's good friends with the Democrats in Congress.  I guarantee you that Boehner will support the whole amnesty agenda when it goes through Congress.  I promise you.  You can't trust Boehner at all.  I hope that some GOP or Tea Party candidate in Ohio's Congressional 8th district will challenge Boehner in the primary this year.  Boehner needs to be voted out of office along with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Senator Mitch McConnell this year.  All these RINO's are nothing but thieves and crooks.

As I've just stated, my problem isn't with the Democrats.  I do have an element of respect with the Democrats in the sense that they're honest about what they're doing.  We know where they stand as far as the leftist agenda is concerned.  What bothers me are GOP members such as Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), who's not running for re-election this November, Senator Mike Lee of Utah, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, and those who portray themselves as Tea Party conservatives but won't do what's necessary to stop Obama's socialist agenda in Congress.  I've heard Michelle Bachmann numerous time state her goal in the last three years is to repeal Obamacare.  What has she done to help retard the process of Obamacare since it has been passed?  Nothing.  The truth is she has the power along with other GOP House members to defund Obamacare.  The House can refuse to fund any bill if it's unconstitutional.  There's a method they can use to defund Obamacare in the House and that's the method called blue slipping.  She have never used it.  She has never organized a group of Republicans to defund Obamacare.  I have no use for her.  I'm sick and tired of hearing her speak.  I'm glad she won't be in Congress next year.  She loves to appear on Fox News and on talk radio to give her talking points about what's bad about Obamacare and that it needs to be repealed, but when it comes to taking action, she's nowhere to be found.  I know this past summer Senators Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul recommended that defunding Obamacare be attached to the budget bill this fall.  That method was set to fail because they knew the Democrat-controlled Senate was going to reject the budget bill that called for defunding Obamacare.  That method was a very lame way to defund Obamacare.  They knew that wasn't the right method to defund Obamacare.  The GOP are always using tactics that they know will fail.  In saying that, it goes to show me that none of them are trustworthy.  None of them are going to put themselves on the line to do what's necessary to preserve our nation and stop Obamacare.  As a result, these RINO Tea Party Republicans need to be defeated when they're up for re-election. 

I wholeheartedly believe none of our Representatives and Senators are up to any good.  They act like they're in a play and each member is assigned their role and they play it.  It seems like everything that takes place in Congress is nothing but a game.  As a result, we need to vote out these incumbents when this November's election comes around.

Saturday's post will follow this post and I'll conclude my thoughts in that post. 

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