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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Gates: ‘Don’t Ask, Don't Tell' Fight was Only Time Obama Showed 'Passion" for Military Issues

Gates: ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ fight was only time Obama showed ‘passion’ for military issues | Fox News

I agree wholeheartedly with former Defense Secretary Bob Gates that the only issue that President Obama showed passion for concerning the U.S. military was repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" compromise that was initiated during the Clinton administration in 1993.  It's a sad day in America when our President and Congress is more interested in granting so-called rights for homosexuals to openly display themselves when on base or in overseas more than we have a military that will be powerful and strong enough to stand tall to win wars whenever there's a vital interest at stake to go to war.  When Obama became president America was both in Iraq and Afghanistan and instead he was more interested in permitting homosexuals being allowed to openly express themselves in the military rather than we win both of those wars and leave those countries.  It's really sickening.  To read the full story, click on the above link from FoxNews.com.

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