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Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Need for a Second American Revolution (Part 3)

Last Sunday I had intended on finishing this particular post but instead I was rambling and wasn't focused on the thought I wanted to expound upon.  Lord willing today I'm going to be succinct and bring forth the thought that I had intended to bring last Sunday.  As I closed last Sunday's post I stated I was going to be discussing what areas I'm referencing when I say America needs a second revolution.  The question that needs to be asked is where does a second revolution need to take place?  Am I making reference to the federal government?  As I stated in the last post and the previous post on Memorial Day, I don't think that it's very probable that we can reform or revolutionize our government.  The problem is we aren't just dealing with 535 Congressmen and Senators plus the president.  They are controlled and manipulated by the forces of Nimrod or globalist forces.  There all all types of influences in Washington that we're not even aware of.  Also foreign countries such as China holds a certain percentage of America's debt, which doesn't bode well for us.  With all the international forces that control and manipulate our government, I don't see how it's possible to turn our government around.  I know with God all things are possible, but we focus too much of our attention on reforming government and neglect those things that we can change.   If we could've turned things around we would've had to done it over 30 years ago.  Today, I'm afraid it's virtually impossible.  The globalists or the forces of Nimrod have just about completed their agenda for a new world order.   They have a tight grip on this country.

As I mentioned in the previous two posts, when I speak of America needing a second American revolution, I'm not speaking of Christians taking up arms fighting each other.  Ephesians 6:12 says, "For we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."  We're not wrestling with flesh and blood, we're wrestling against Satan.  The question needs to be asked who or what needs a revolution?  It's the American people that need a revolution.  The United States is comprised of the American people.  I'm not downplaying the importance of government.  There is a role for government, but the greatness of America doesn't lie in America's system of government.  It lies in those who fear God.  Our great nation was built from the bottom up.  When you drive across the country and view the landscape and infrastructure of America, it was people who had a strong work ethic that built and developed this great country.  A country is comprised of its people.  The heart and soul of America is its people.  IF America is to ever have a chance to survive, then it's people need a transformation.  First all, we need to recognize that America needs an awakening from God.  We must recognize that America is in a terrible condition spiritually, morally, and socially, and politically.  The only way for Americans to get help is for us to be awakened to the fact we're in trouble morally, spiritually, socially, and politically.  Our answers don't come from government.  It comes from God.  The biggest problem with America is the fact we've strayed from the Biblical principles our forefathers built this nation upon.  Ever since the hippie movement of the 1960's, America has been on a fast and furious downward slide.  Sin is prevalent on every hand.  We as a people cannot continue going the same direction without imploding.  Our nation is in a state of moral decay.  We have people that are strung out on drugs, alcohol, etc.  More and more Americans are cohabitating together.  Many marriages are in the rocks in this country.  Complacency grips this land.  Our youth are in trouble and are without any sense of direction.  America's schools are being dumbed down.  Children in schools are being taught that homosexuality is a normal, acceptable lifestyle.  Since 1973 millions of unborn children have been slaughtered from their mothers' wombs.  We definitely need a revolution.

We as a country need a revolution in our thinking and our lifestyles.  America's churches and America's school systems need a revolution.  God's people need revival and millions need to hear a clear-cut presentation of the gospel so they can be saved.  If God's people experience a real revival, that would solve many of America's problems automatically.  The things that we hold dear in life, the things that are important to us would change.  Instead of being concerned about purchasing the latest i-pad, things that are of eternal significance would take precedence.  I'm not opposed to material wealth and there's nothing wrong with possessing goods as long as we don't forget the Lord in the process.  In our land we need preachers standing in pulpits once again preaching the Bible with fire and power and once again preach "Thus saith the Lord."  We need Christians to place a proper emphasis upon the things of God and to recognize this world we're living in is temporal. 

Given the fact the public school systems have been secularized in today's society, many parents have chosen to take their children out of the public schools and either place them in a Christian school or to homeschool them.  The homeschooling movement has grown considerably in the last several years.  I would like to see major changes in the public school system.  However, as long as the educrats have control of our educational system, our nation's schools have no chance for a reform.  Those who are in charge of our schools today have a social agenda they're trying to push through the school system.  They aren't concerned about America's children being academically competent.  They're all about teaching children to be tolerant towards those things that God despises such as sodomy, abortion, fornication, and sin in general.  Schools today are brainwashing our children away from the Bible and the God of the Bible.  They have taught that man is the measure of all things and life is all about this present world.  Society has done a great job diverting our attention away from the fact that there is an eternity and that we need to prepare for eternity.  Life on this earth is just a vapor, but eternity is forever.

I know the thoughts that I've presented are sketchy and don't have much meat on the bones.  However, I have other things I need to do right now so I'm going to end it in this fashion.  America's problems are primarily spiritual in nature and America's solution is to return to the God of the Bible.  America's only hope is in God almighty.  If we don't turn back to God and serve Him, this nation will be finished.

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