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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Draconian Budget Cuts Should be the Top Priority Instead of Raising the Debt Ceiling

Boehner to Seek Smaller $2 Trillion Deficit Deal - FoxNews.com

John Boehner on 60 Minutes

smallerdealHouse Speaker John Boehner with President Obama AP

The problem with Congress is OVERSPENDING!  I will repeat it again.  Congress's problem is OVERSPENDING!  Our elected officials don't seem to understand.  I'm making reference to the Republican leadership such as House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), for example.  Boehner met with President Obama late last week and the Republican negotiators have decided to abandon the $4 trillion 10-year deficit reduction package.  Instead, they're settling for a smaller agreement of reducing the debt by $2 trillion.  I can see where this is headed.  If Republican leaders keep on making compromises with President Obama and the Democrats, any spending cuts that are made will be so miniscule that it will be meaningless.  President Obama is trying to force Boehner and the Republicans to agree to more tax hikes--supposedly on the wealthy.  Anybody who believes that the super wealthy are going to pay extra taxes are crazy.  Those that will be taxed will be those making $250,000 or lower.  Those in the lower classes that aren't taxed will feel the pinch with rising prices.  The rich will make sure that the consumer pays for it in some fashion. 

One of the problems I have with this new budget deal that Boehner's trying to make with the president is he's settling for $2 trillion in spending cuts over a 10-year period.  We need Draconian budgets cuts today.  WE NEED DRACONIAN BUDGET CUTS TODAY!  NOT TOMORROW!  DRASTIC CUTS ARE NEEDED RIGHT NOW!  WE CAN'T WAIT!  All these budget plans that the Republican leadership submits always calls for cuts over a 10-year period.  We can't afford to gradually reduce the deficit.  It has to be done today.  If not, China, who owns over a trillion of our debt will be dictating America's way of life in the near future.  The Chinese will make demands upon us if the government doesn't get its fiscal house in order.  We'll be in trouble the day China refuses to purchase our debt.

President Obama's proposal is a deficit reduction plan of $4 trillion coupled with tax hikes, which Boehner claims he won't support.  There has been talk for some time that our nation's debt ceiling will be reached by August 2nd and if the debt ceiling is not raised, then our government will go into default if no action is taken by then.  President Obama has said that he could invoke the Fourteenth Amendment to pay the government's obligation to senior citizens and Medicare patients if no agreement is reached.  This is what's really upsetting: The Republicans control the House.  They also have power to allocate how taxpayer dollars are spent.  They should be choking off funding for all spending meausres that are unconstitutional such as Obamacare for example.  They should also stop allocating money to be spent on the wars in the Middle East.  Why won't they do that?  They should stop funding earmarks and the oversized bureaucracy in Washington, D.C.  Instead of trying to form some budget deal with the President, they need to use their power to defund spending that's unconstitutional. 

I don't believe it's a wise thing to enter into an agreement to raise the debt ceiling.  Instead of consistently focusing our conversation on raising the debt ceiling, the conversation should be centered around Draconian budget cuts.  The only thing that raising the debt ceiling will do is enable our government to continue their foolish spending spree.   Our nation's debt will eclipse $15 trillion before too long.  Republicans should have more sense than be fooled by promises of budget cuts with new taxes.  President Reagan went along with Congress in 1986 that there would be spending reductions in return for tax hikes.  Tax rates were increased, but there were no spending reductions like the Democratic Congress promised at that time.  The truth is Congress isn't going to cut spending to any degree.  If there are any cuts, it will be at the minimum.  That's what I project. 

The ball is in the House Republicans court.  The only way that President Obama will get what he desires is if the Republicans in the House fumble the ball.  The Republicans should stand firm against increasing the debt ceiling and instead use their power in the House to defund unconstitutional spending.  It's that simple.  The problem is we don't have genuine conservative Republican leadership.  They're playing along with President Obama and the Democrats.  That's what John Boehner does.  He likes to make deals with the President that won't solve our budget woes.  He's part of the problem in Washington.  Boehner needs a strong candidate opposing him in next year's Republican primary in Ohio.  He's one RINO that needs to be voted out of office.

My final projection is the Republicans will cave in and will increase the debt ceiling.  There will be no significant spending reductions, if any.  All this talk of spending cuts is bogus as far as I'm concerned.  I also believe that when a final deal is reached, the Democrats will find a way to sneak in some new tax increases.  President Obama and the Democrats are determined to raise taxes and I project they'll find a way to do it.  It will affect all Americans. 

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