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Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Centennial of Ronald Reagan's Birthday

GE Ronald Reagan Centennial

Ronald Reagan at Hollywood (1937)

Ronald Reagan in World War II Military Training

1959 Ads Reagan for GE

Reagan on Union-Management Relations in 1958 (Part 1)

Reagan on Union-Management Relations in 1958 (Part 2)

Reagan Campaigns for Harry Truman in 1948

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out on Socialized Medicine

"A Time For Choosing" Ronald Reagan Speaking on national television on behalf of Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater on October 27, 1964

Ronald Reagan's Boyhood Home

Ronald Reagan on Energy, Environment, and Ecology

The Road to the White House

Ronald Reagan vs. the Hippies

Ronald Reagan's Impromptu Speech at the 1976 Republican National Convention

Ronald Reagan in 1976

Ronald Reagan Announces Candidacy for President

Ronald Reagan's Acceptance Speech at the Republican National Convention

The 1980 Presidential Debate Between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter

The 1980 Election Results from CBS (Part 1)

The 1980 Election Results from CBS (Part 2)

The 1980 Election Results from CBS (Part 3)

President Reagan's 1981 Inaugural Address

Reagan Assassination Attempt

Ronald Reagan's Evil Empire Speech

"Tear down this Wall"

Ronald Reagan Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France (6/6/84)

Notre Dame Commencement Address 1981

Mondale Reagan Debate

The 1984 Election Results

The 1984 Election Results (Part 2)

The 1984 Election Results (Part 3)

Dan Rather Sums up the 1984 Election

Ronald Reagan TV AD "Morning in America"

Two Speeches That Changed America on Hannity's America

Reagan Launches SDI

Tribute to Ronald Reagan

Republican For a Reason

Ronald Reagan: The Great Communicator

Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address

Reagan Funeral: O'Reilly and Weid

The Death of Ronald Reagan (Part 1)

The Death of Ronald Reagan (Part 2)

The Death of Ronald Reagan (Part 3)

The Death of Ronald Reagan (Part 4)

Ronald Reagan Funeral

Reagan Funeral (The Battle Hymn of the Republic)

Stand-up Reagan

The 1981 State of the Union Address

Falcon Crest Star Jane Wyman Dies at 93| TributesRonald Reagan and Jane Wyman in movie entitled, "Brother Rat and a Baby."

Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman

(From left to right) Ronald Reagan, Jane Wyman, Michael Reagan, Maureen Reagan

Today is the centennial of Ronald Reagan's birthday.  He was born on February 6, 1911 in Tampico, Illinois.  I have posted an assortment of YouTube video clip postings which are a tribute to the life and career of Ronald Reagan.  None of these videos are in any particular order.  At the end I posted a few pictures of Ronald Reagan, his first wife, Jane Wyman, and their two children, Maureen and Michael.

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