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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Susannah Wesley

Raising Godly Children: 16 House Rules by Susannah Wesley (John Wesley's Mom)

The Things I Learned at Mother's Knee

Heaven Will Never Welcome a Sweeter Mama

Susannah Wesley

When we think of examples of great Godly mothers of the past, one would have to look no further than take a look at the of Susannah Wesley.  Susannah Wesley was the mother of John and Charles Wesley.  John Wesley was a famous preacher in whom he was credited for founding Methodism, or the Methodist Church.  Charles Wesley was also a preacher.  He was also known for writing numerous poems, totalling around 9000.  Many of them were hymns.  Susannah Wesley had a total of 19 children.  Only ten of her children survived into adulthood, three sons and seven daughters  Those who survived into adulthood accomplished great things for the Lord.  I've already mentioned John and Charles Wesley.  Both of them turned this continent around for the Lord Jesus Christ.  All three sons earned M.A.'s from oxford.  All her sons were clergyman. 

Susannah was very diligent in raising her children.  She educated her children at home.  She was a firm believer in discipline.  She raised her children in the ways of God.  I have linked up an article of the 16 rules that she laid down in her home.  It would behoove all blog readers viewing this post to click on the link to read the list of rules she laid down in her home.  She raised her children in a Christlike manner.  At the end of the link she speaks about her philosophy of discipline.  I'm going to close with a quote from her concerning the discipline of a child.

When the will of a child is totally subdued, and it is brought to revere and stand in awe of the parents, then a great many childlike follies...may be passed by...I insist on the conquering of the will of children betimes, because this is the only and strong rational foundation of a religious education... when this is thoroughly done, then a child is capable of being governed by reason and piety.

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